New Old Pedal Day: Danelectro PB & J

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New Old Pedal Day: Danelectro PB & J

Post by Progrockabuse »

My first ever dealy pedal was a Danelectro PB & J. I can remember buying it new in the late 90’s/early 2000’s after seeing it in the John Hornsby skews gear magazine you could get free through the post.

I didn’t know the difference between analog and digital when it came to delays back then, but knew I could get the run like hell sound out of it so all was good. It was my main delay for years up until I sold it on here (I think)

Delay pedals have come and gone, but I’ve never thought any of them were that much better that the PB&J. I don’t use tap tempo or anything fancy, just a straight ahead delay for some texture for lead work.

Found this on the eBay late one slightly tipsy Christmas evening and took a punt. £28 delivered and it’s hardly got a mark on it. Sounds just as good as I remembered it, plus the short delay footswtich gives it some faux reverb/double tracked vibe.
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Re: New Old Pedal Day: Danelectro PB & J

Post by Thom »
