Bacchus wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2024 12:06 pm
Hmm, looking at the website, it looks like they do one of everything. There's an SRV strat, a Buckethead LP, the Prince telecaster, EVH strat, EVH wolfgang thing, Jimmy Page double neck, gretsch/tele mashup thing, all sorts.
Except for bass, where they have one PJ bass which treats "generic" as an aesthetic and manages to take it to a hideous, horrifying extreme.
One interesting thing about this company is that their stock changes pretty much every day. The listings on the website are actual pictures of what they have available.
Anyway, onto the body. This is where you start to find why these are so cheap.
When I first saw the pictures, I loved the cream plastics and silver/gold knobs. Handsome, I agree. But, in person, not so much. All of the cream parts are different shades, and poorly fitted. And while I do like the knobs, I decided to go for a more modern look.
The factory pickup rings are narrower than any I've ever seen, leaving a noticeable gap between the ring and the body. The goopy stuff you see on the pickup in this picture is wax that came out when I tried turning one of the screws. That didn't even work---they turn but go nowhere.
Removing the knobs, I swear they must've been glued on. I tried every technique I know to take them off nicely and ended up having to break them. Even the piece left in this picture didn't come off easily.
Here you can see the different shades of cream, and how poorly the back covers are cut. (Sorry it looks green-ish, it's not.)
Not that I care, but the finish is marred under the pickguard. Similar "scratches" can be seen elsewhere if you look hard enough, and they're under the clearcoat, but those are so minor it won't show up in pictures.
The bridge is an old school style with the wire spring. Seems to have some kind of branding machined off the bottom. I'll likely replace it in the future.
And the electronics are about like I expected: Cheap, and hastily soldered, with the leads not even going through the lugs on the pots. And speaking of, they look to be CTS knockoffs, apparently by a company called Fleor. Saw some posts online that suggest they're also used by Squier.