pictures of your gear here

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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by Freddy V-C »

I can't remember what state this was in last time I posted it, but there's been a few reshuffles of late. So here we are...

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I did have two DD3s for quite a while, but those are both gone currently. I did have the tuner at the beginning of the chain for a bit (I'm told that's the "normal" way) but recently moved it back. I always enjoy the convenience of being able to mute everything in one fell swoop. I don't have much need for the Silencer anymore now that I'm generally using humbuckers again (the Silencer was originally mainly there to tame Tele bridge pickup squeal), but once your signal has been this clean/sharp it's hard to go back, even if basically no-one listening can tell the difference. The wall-wart for my power brick shit the bed and the replacement one I bought didn't work, so I've switched back to a daisy chain. I feel like I'm not using anything that draws enough power to need a brick anyway, plus it frees up some space, which I'm considering filling with an Earthquaker Acapulco Gold at some point. "CONDOMS" tin is full of plectrums, a capo and an allen key.
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by dots »

don't know if i like the shoes or the board better -- both are ace!
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by Hurb »

So I've been putting this together the past couple days.

There aren't actually anymore pedals (I am pretty happy with what I have for once) but with the bigger board( metal peg board painted black and cut to size) I can fit the expression pedal on that normally gets put to the side and thrown in cables bag at gigs. The Kaoss Pad can now fit, and the big bugger on the right is a circuit Rhythm sampler. Switched in and out of the pedal board with the boss line selector. The idea is, I've sampled my own guitar noises that I can trigger and fuck with some more with pedals and Kaoss Pad when I can't be bothered to stand up and actually play guitar.
It's way too fucking big and heavy.
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by Thom »

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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by Bacchus »

Hurb wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:51 pm The idea is, I've sampled my own guitar noises that I can trigger and fuck with some more with pedals and Kaoss Pad when I can't be bothered to stand up and actually play guitar.
It's way too fucking big and heavy.
This is cool.
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by plopswagon »

Hurb wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:51 pm I can't be bothered to stand up and actually play guitar.
It's way too fucking big and heavy.
We told you not to put the big knobs on your guitar!
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ekwatts wrote: Wed Dec 21, 2022 12:53 pm The word "moisty" has made me irrationally angry.
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by Hurb »

Bacchus wrote: Thu Apr 18, 2024 12:41 pm
Hurb wrote: Mon Apr 15, 2024 8:51 pm The idea is, I've sampled my own guitar noises that I can trigger and fuck with some more with pedals and Kaoss Pad when I can't be bothered to stand up and actually play guitar.
It's way too fucking big and heavy.
This is cool.
I hope it turns out to be!
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by Hurb »


Had a rejig.
The circuit Rhythm now comes after dirts, as it was getting lost. So now it's only the Kaoss pad, whammy, judder and a new dd6 that can affect the samples which is fine.
Also got a klon clone and behringer sansamp clone for dirty dirt. And wireless midi switcher for quicker patch changes on the zoom.
It's a fuck on but now my setlists look like this as remembering everything is hard in the moment.
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by Progrockabuse »

Looks epic matey. Those little klon pedals are pretty sweet for the money. Never sure if they have the buffer in them or not.

Managed to find a neo mini vent 2 for cheap on eBay, loved the one I had but didn’t want to pay £250+ for one.

No box or manual, but has the power supply and it’s clean so couldn’t grumble.
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by MattK »

Couple of nasty little Mustangs I had out yesterday.
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by Progrockabuse »

Finally got a supply that can handle anything I need, powers the mini vent fine on 12v with a reverse polarity cable. No noise or issues. £102 new, which didn’t seem too band a price.

I ran this at a band practice the other day and on the whole it was a great little board. Ran the FF and a wah next to it on the floor. Think I’ll place the saltbooster after the DLS for more of a volume boost as i was tending to just switch to the Red mode (JCM mode) of the DLS for leads.

FF struggled to cut through the mix as much as I hoped, tempted to try a mid heavy pedal after it to give it a chance. Gutted as at home I love the FF and often just use that most of the time.
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by Rhysyrhys »

I'm not going to make another pedalboard thread, I just never got in the spirit of posting here.

This has been my finished board now for a few months and I like everything so much I'm even gingerly recording guitar all the time again and writing originals which feels good. I'm considering finding some sort of guitar or production course around here just so I have something ticking over with my musical learning.

I think what I'm really happy about is I really understand the gain structure throughout the board and designed the signal chain for that. Things like the Katana boost and the Comps will basically never leave my board - I might have some fun and switch the Katana for a SHO or even an LPB-1 (which has a mid hump to my ears but can be very flattering, maybe if I had more space and a band where I changed guitars every few songs then having a different input boost might be cool).

I really like the GT-1000, its very BOSS in that its all dot matrix and its a bit of a garbage UX to get used to in tyool 2024 but then what they manage to pack into it is pretty fucking radical, the "splitters" can do that over frequency or amplitude so you can send your lowend to bass amp and your top end to a Pro Junior-esque model and thats fucking great fun and really simple to get working once you are "in the zone". You can also pick softly and send your stuff to a JC-120 and then pick REALLY heavily and send it to a ENGL Powerball with all the gain turned to 11 and thats really stupid and fun :D *Ninja edit: this is actually really fucking powerful but so far I've only done the most hilarious and extreme stuff or just had two amp models receiving a percentage split between, but I think you could like have a JC-120 for really clean things and then like a Dumble or a Fender Supersonic stylee amp for when you dig in more - it's a fucking interesting, powerfullll concept and I have no idea how to best use it because nothing else has presented that to me before...

The green pedals mounted sideways are a Ibanez SK-10: Super Visual Product copy by Sound of Justice FX, the "Vespa" and to the right of that is also a SoJFX copy of the Nobels ODR-1 with the same dipswitches inside but also a switch on the face that changes the clipping section and makes it more mellow and juicy in the mids, it would be super good in that mode for Nashville type folk as it has that sorta "always-on into a Fender tweed" vibe.

Buy a Belle Epoch its the best pedal ever, always on even if I have the delay turned all the way off its so fucking GOOD dude.

Check out Sound of Justice FX btw, Jeremiah is just down the road from me now in Huntington Beach and he's a nice bloke, build quality is good and the prices are right and he does old weird distortions (like the SK10) - I have no association to him except that I've got three of his pedals now :).

The SK-10 + the Nobels is my distortion section and it's fucking cool and with the ES-5 I can have one or both or both parallel and also all of that with the Gigyas too, so I'm very happy and I would have to do something very specialized from here to have a more "me" sorta board.
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by Rhysyrhys »

Ooo also speaking of recording (all the white hairs are German Shepherd hair, its an uphill battle believe me), here is my really ghetto recording setup and I really like it. This IK Axe I/O has a really cool "re-amp" output so I can feed stuff from Ableton into my pedal board and record it back on channel two. For obvious drum n' bass fuckery it's a no-brainer because you have all this distortion to apply and then an entire GT-1000 to fucking mess with for anything and you can just put that on an Ableton send so lots of fun to be had.

What I enjoy the most is that I kinda go "direct" in through the BB Preamp into the interface, and then I get fold back with the pedalboard but I have the raw guitar input recorded too so I can just mess around with it and try different distortions and stuff - this is probably fairly standard shit but I've been traveling around for years now and its been the first time in ages I've just had a solid desk with time to dedicate to this and its absolutely mad how easy some really complicated stuff is now. I'm assuming if I actually read the manual the "re-amp" thing is just lineout +4 or whatever.

I did basically no work to set up some of this stuff other than to read a manual and put the cables from my pedalboard into the re-amp output and back in on side 2, so thats nice cos I just really want to be as dumb as possible and I think since the TASCAM I had in 2008 I've really not enjoyed putting ideas down because I've not had a workflow or even a comfortable way of putting shit ideas in a box and then listening to them again 6 months later to find the tiny oz of gold.
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by dezb1 »

Finally getting my music room set up again - dug out all my old pedals (and dodgy toy synths). Intending to put this small board on my studio desk as I miss using the HM-2 and the Big Muff I have a Boss GE-7 arriving tomorrow to replace the EQ pedal.
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by BearBoy »

dezb1 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 4:42 pmI have a Boss GE-7 arriving tomorrow to replace the EQ pedal.
Will ruin the all black aesthetic :wink:
Fran wrote:I love how this place is basic as fuck.
ekwatts wrote:I'm just going to smash it in with a hammer and hope it works. Tone is all in the fingers anyway.
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by dezb1 »

BearBoy wrote: Wed Jun 26, 2024 12:26 pm
dezb1 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 4:42 pmI have a Boss GE-7 arriving tomorrow to replace the EQ pedal.
Will ruin the all black aesthetic :wink:
It does but it's far quieter
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by Progrockabuse »

Current setup ready for gigging. My wah is fucked so need to get that repaired but not the end of the world if I don’t get time.

Love my old danelectro delay but keep hankering for something that goes into self oscillation via a foot switch.
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by plopswagon »

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Just having a little fun.

The Valve Banshee and Rat get along quite nicely.
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ekwatts wrote: Wed Dec 21, 2022 12:53 pm The word "moisty" has made me irrationally angry.
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by Nick »

dezb1 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 4:42 pm Finally getting my music room set up again - dug out all my old pedals (and dodgy toy synths). Intending to put this small board on my studio desk as I miss using the HM-2 and the Big Muff I have a Boss GE-7 arriving tomorrow to replace the EQ pedal.
Love the portasound shelves- I’ve been meaning to do something similar for mine. Is that just an IKEA shelf or ?
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Re: pictures of your gear here

Post by dezb1 »

Nick wrote: Sat Jul 20, 2024 9:08 pm
dezb1 wrote: Tue Jun 25, 2024 4:42 pm Finally getting my music room set up again - dug out all my old pedals (and dodgy toy synths). Intending to put this small board on my studio desk as I miss using the HM-2 and the Big Muff I have a Boss GE-7 arriving tomorrow to replace the EQ pedal.
Love the portasound shelves- I’ve been meaning to do something similar for mine. Is that just an IKEA shelf or ?
Yes it's an IKEA gaming desk with the shelves configured to suit my gear ... media=COPY
I only play - Shortscale synths