I want to put some pics of my DIY stuff up, but don't have any of them in boxes, just bare circuit boards ATM. I'm too broke to buy the stompswitches and jacks for them. When I get some finished I'll get some more pics of them.
Current weekend warrior setup.
MXR Dynacomp > Danolectro Daddy-O > Crybaby Wah > Boss Blues Driver > DOD Ice Box Chorus > Fender Pedal Tuner
Having the daddy-o before the wah helps give a needed boost and still lets me use it as a nice pre-gain before the blues driver. I dont' much like the daddy-o by itself, but it's good for little boosts. The dynacomp doesn't have power right now until I get another power source thing.
These are the other pedals I'm not using live right now.
As soon as I get a slightly bigger case/board and another power block thing, The Boss fuzz and delay are goin' in.
Something about all/almost all the pedals right way up I think. Anyway looks wicked. and nice one on the bent to fook DS-2, that thing is useless stock.
Got any plans to upgrade your patch cables? I used to use those multicoloured cheap molded ones and never realised how crappy they are for your sound until I upgraded them to George L's from Mr. James Diago.
By the way have you seen that ToneKing amp they've made?
I know what I want for Christmas - money from everyone so I can get one. TOO FUCKING HOT.
new pictures of boxes. amps and guitars and a maestro uss-1 will be soon coming.
sadly, this is only about half the boxes and racks i own, you can see more in the other photos in this thread. i also have a new tape echo i need to snap pics of.
Jim Dunlop Crybaby GCB-95 Wah
Zoom 1010 Multieffect SHITE
Boss OC-2 Octave
Electro-Harmonix Big Muff NYC
Electro-Harmonix Small Clone Reissue (US)
Boss OD-2R Turbo Overdrive
Boss DS-2 Turbo Distortion
Boss DD-5 Digital Delay
Boss DF-2 Super Feedbacker & Distortion
Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal
Korg Kaoss Pad II
Proco Rat2
Boss OD-3 OverDrive
Boss GE-7 Equalizer
Korg DT-7 Tuner
Danelectro Tunamelt Tremelo
VestaFire Stereo Chorus
Boss DD-20 Giga Delay
Boss FS-6 Dual Footswitch