Japanese Jaguar Tremolo

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Japanese Jaguar Tremolo

Post by loomerz »

Sorry if this has been asked before which I assume it most probably has, but it would seem I have to wait to search the forums again.
Just bought my Jaguar and I'm finding the way the tremolo arm fits in the socket quite annoying, it doesn't securely fit or screw in, it just sits in there loosely and will just fall out if I lean forward. It's also really awkward to strum with when its in your hand as its all the way down inside the socket and Its hard to get the bends without stopping strumming. I found out that the American made tremolo arms are different in that they have what looks to me like grooves on the bottom, so it might screw into the socket, but I've been reading around on other forums and no-one seems to have tried this, a lot of people use that tape technique. Once again I apologize for starting a new thread that has most probably been covered many, many times, I've also read through the similar thread about the mustang tremolo but I'm not sure it solved my problem.
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Post by Thom »

You need to push it in further. I had my trem arm like that for ages - but just needed a bit of force to get it to go in properly and now it works just fine.
Unless it already is pushed in all the way in which case you might want to try taking the trem apart and squeezing the collar bits a bit closer together.
Think that the only Jag trems that are screw in are the new mexican CPs.
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Post by loomerz »

Yeah I'm pretty sure it won't go in any further without me forcing it too hard, and your right about the CP tremolo arms, its just I wondered why the American made ones look different, http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/1927/usatrem.jpg
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Post by Thom »

It honestly took quite a bit of force to get mine in - more than I thought.
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Post by kypdurron »

I assume it's the same unit as in japanese Jazzmasters? With mine, I also tried anything - including scotch tape around the arm - but what really solved the thing was to
taking the trem apart and squeezing the collar bits a bit closer together.

those US arms seem to be made to catch in the collar the holds it, while the jap. arms just need to be pressed into.

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Post by loomerz »

I'm probably going to try taking the unit apart, but I'm a bit confused though, do those collar bits hold the arm in place when its all the way in? cus I don't actually like the arm all the way down into the socket, because theres like no room to strum with it for me, and like I said its awkward to get the bend.
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Post by Thom »

Yeah they are meant to hold it in. Some people bend their arm out to give a bigger angle...whatever suits you.
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Post by loomerz »

Got it, I read about the bending of the arm on a surf forum I think from someone with a similar issue so I'll definitely try that too. I believe this is Reece from here? This is the sort of thing I enjoy so hopefully he'll post some insight too, cheers guys.
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Post by Reece »

why yes it is.

i had this problem too, in that video actually the arm was still all loose and stuff.

you just need to take the thing apart and squeeze the things together. make sure you don't make them too tight like i did, i found that if i held the arm while strumming after fifteen minutes or so the thing the arm sits in would come unscrewed, fall through and just sit in the cavity, as you can see in this photo of my jag:


as far as strumming with the things goes you might find it easier if you don't hold it as such. i rest that soft bit on the left side of my right hand on the tip and strum where the neck meets the body.
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Post by loomerz »

Cheers for the response, gonna get round to trying this out today.