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i am hoarding OD/fuzz pedals

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:12 pm
by goldengurls
I got to the point with amps and guitars where I just sort of gave up and decided to keep what I have, next thing I knew I had gone from 4 od's/fuzzes to having 9. Now for some people this is a good ting, I just don't get how I did that. I get them in partial trade all the time and just leave them in a drawer in my basement, I only use an mxr dist plus from the 80's and an original rat that I have. Now I find myself wanting more of them, like an mxr microamp and some smoother od like fulltone. pedals man, aside from the od army i have all i use is a holy stain reverb and an ibanez delay (which I used twice)

eh i guess i could have weirder addictions

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:23 pm
by endsjustifymeans
You're amongst friends.

I have a serious dirt addiction. My pedalboard is loaded with about 10 different flavors of dirt, mostly dwarfcraft devices.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:31 pm
by goldengurls
I have to admit it is comforting to know I am not the only one addicted to od's
i could see myself owning like 30 of these if i don't watch it.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:36 pm
by kim
being broke helps fighting the addiction. i sold my us big muff, fulltone ultimate octave, i thought i could do the same thing but more noisy and weird with a great destroyer and behringer pitch shifter, and yeah it does, but now i'm screwed if i want it to sound more subtle, it's either distortion from my rocker 30 or great destroyer for dist and i've no 'non noisy' fuzz anymore, it sucks.
i wanted that blackout effectors mustket fuzz but really can't justify the money if i want to be able to pay for dentist lol

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:15 pm
by Fran
I had about 18 fuzz pedals at one point, its fun, but you forever changing your board/sound much to the annoyance of your band.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:19 pm
by mickie08
I knwo I currently have just a Dwarcraft PLane ticket and a Sparkledrive, but I have 4 on the way back from Mike (2 repairs, 2 new to me)

So I will have:

Box of Mike (box of rocks based)
Cot 50 MBM clone
Mosfet by Mike
Plane Ticket

Now I have not plugged in an electric guitar in 3 months and have not played one for any extenuating time for a year or more....So yeah, it seems stupid.. But one day I will put together a band again and then the addiction will kick back in. BTW, I always gigged with 3-4 different OD or distortions (although not really fuzz.)

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:27 pm
by goldengurls
I don't use a board, I literally use 2 pedals at gigs, that's it. If i had a micro-amp I would use 3.
I feel like I can get a good sound easily and without compromising my signal. Signal means a lot to me. It gets lost when you run 10 pedals more than you think.
So essentially, it's the mxr or the rat, on recordings I use a lot of other stuff, it gets quite complex.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:07 pm
by mickie08
I never noticed enough signal issues at gig volume and gig mix that would really make a differense to anybody. Yeah, you can hear it when you are playing by yourself, but with a good noiseless pedals and at least one bufferes pedal in the mix (as well as good cables) I thin the problem is so minimal as to only be noticeable when you are playing by yourself. To each their own though.

My main gigging setup back in the day was
boss tu2 tuner
VoodooLab Sparkledrive (set for clean boost)
SIB Varidrive (heavy od/rhythym)
OCD (medium/lt OD)
MXR Wylde OD (often ran with OCD or Sparkledrive)
EHX small clone
Trex replica delay
Gig FX chopper
Fultone CLydeWah

that was sent out to any number of amps. (orange TT, fender super reverb, marshall jvm410, fender bassman)

tone (or loss of it) was never an issue (my playing on the other hand was.... :lol: )

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:07 pm
by goldengurls
I am really sensitive to compression issues and volume loss, these things irritate me and subsequently wound up ending my pedal board days a long while ago.

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:32 pm
by Thom
A large pedal board can certainly colour your sound. Having said that, a well placed buffer or bypass loop can work wonders, as well as the actual patch leads. I remember when I put a bunch of my modulation pedals in a bypass loop that Mike made me, and suddenly it was "oh hello and welcome back top end!" . Likewise, a board full of TB pedals sounds pretty bad! Stick a good buffer in there and it's a different story. Then again, I'm all for downsizing nowadays and whilst I have got down to 6 pedals, not sure I could go down to less!

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:19 pm
by Rayjaysonic
Not gigging, so as a result my pedal board is an ever expanding thing as I don't have to cart stuff about. Currently have 4 dirt pedals in place and as Kim mentioned, the only reason it's not 12 is down to being broke. It truly is the best way of limiting the amount of kit between your guitar and amp!!! That said, I still find myself bypassing the board an plugging in directly. It's kind of a refreshing thing to do now and again, certainly shocks me how bloody noisy my pedal chain is!!

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:57 pm
by othomas2
I was gonna say didn't have a problem but I got about 7...

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:09 pm
by endsjustifymeans
My chain right now...

pitchblack-MXR fullbore metal-Dwarfcraft Robot Devil-Dwarfcraft EC Thunder-MBM Blender-Dwarfcraft Shiva-Fredrick Grumbly Wolf-Dwarfcraft Secret Destroyer- MXR Carbon Copy-MBM saltswitcher

Occasionally making appearances are a Dwarfcraft Gunslinger, an aria SD-1, a danophobe fab flange and chorus, and very very soon a behringer bass overdrive.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 7:07 am
by Mike
I used to have loads on my board and laying around. Currently I'm just back to using my Amp only for dirt, but I think I'm going to build myself another DLS to provide light breakup sounds for inbetween my Clean and Crunch Channels.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:04 am
by johnnyseven
My pedal board is a bit silly, but then everything gets used so is it? It currently consists of the below, however my OD/Dist/Fuzz section is under review as I have just ordered a DLS/OCD from Mike and have today recieved a Utility Percolator from Tim (Fredric Effects).

Korg Tuner
True Bypass Looper
Fredric Effects Harmonic Percolator
Danelectro Cool Cat Drive
Way Huge Fat Sandwich
Danelectro Cool Cat Fuzz
Ibanez CCL Dual Chorus
MXR Script Reissue Phase 90
Maxon AD999
Made by Mike Salt Shaker
MXR EVH Flanger
Boss DD3 - Monte Allums modded
MXR/Custom Audio Boost Line Driver
MXR Kerry King Graphic EQ
MXR Smart Gate

I also have a Way Huge Swollen Pickle that i'm trying to sell and a modded Rat which doesn't seem to like my amp so is currently not on the board.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:25 am
by timhulio
I use a Utility Perk for my OD, but have just added an IC Muff to my board. Was quite impressed by a Maestro FZ1 clone I built for my girlfriend/bandmate recently too.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:45 am
by johnnyseven
Oh, I forgot that i've got an EHX Micro Pog too.

Also thank to Tim for getting the Utility Percolator to me so quickly, I picked it up from the postie this morning - I shall report back when I have given it a blast.

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:49 am
by Johno
I'm down to four pedals on my board

MXR Micro Chorus

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:45 pm
by kim
tuner (off board)
mini mbm saltbooster
behringer pitch shifter
blue box
behringer bass synth
dwarfcraft great destroyer
behringer tremolo
behringer dd400 delay

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 12:46 pm
by Reece
Overdrive/Distortion/Fuzz you say?

Danelectro TOD
Boss DS-2
EHX Russian BMP
Fredric Effects IC Big Muff
MXR Blue Box
Behrginer Superfuzz
Dwarfcraft TGD
MBM Harmonic Percolator

I plan to own enough fuzz pedals to build a fort.