The ultimate list of cheap copies of great pedals thread!

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The ultimate list of cheap copies of great pedals thread!

Post by Dave »


Lets create an ultimate master list of all those cheaper copies of otherwise legendary or boutique pedals. Let's do this list by 'type' rather than by brand (EDIT - Actually that's only practical for the 'Unique' pedals so for things like the whole range of Behringer I'll include specific brand lists where appropriate). I'll start the ball rolling and I'll update this list as we go

A NOTE ON MORALS: There are good arguments to made for and against some of these clones and copies. I personally do not know what the factory conditions are like, you might want to put your money locally to homegrown companies, you might not want to buy a clone of a design developed by an independent builder , and might not want to give your money directly to a company like Danelectro when thier CEO contributed his personal money to the anti-gay/Prop 8 organizations (SEE DETAILS IN REPLY BY TUKK04 FURTHER DOWN THE THREAD). These are just some things you may or may not like to consider when buying any of the pedals listed here. There are definitely arguments for and against buying the cheapest option (including the mundane issues such as build quality, quality control, as well as materials and components used). Feel free to discuss any of this here - if you hear of important information that might further inform how we spend our money then all the better.


Demeter Tremulator
Danelectro Cool Cat Trem

electro-harmonix Deluxe Memory Man
Behringer VM1 Vintage Time Machine

electro-harmonix Big Muff
Mooer Triangle Buff

electro-harmonix Metal Muff
JOYO JF-17 Extreme Metal

electro-harmonix Electric Mistress
Mooer Eleclady

electro-harmonix Pog 2/Micro Pog
Mooer Pure Octave !!!! This applies to V1 only! V2 (post-lawsuit) does not sound as good. - Pens

Foxx Tone Machine
Danelectro French Toast Octave Fuzz

Fulltone OCD
JF-02 Ultimate Drive
Mooer Hustle Drive
Danelectro CoolCat Drive V1

Fulltone Ultimate Octave
JOYO JF-12 Voodoo Octave

Ibanez Tube Screamer
Digitech Bad Monkey
Joyo Vintage Overdrive (TS808)
Mooer green mile
Nobels ODR-1 Natural Overdrive
Behringer TO100 Tube Overdrive (TS9 Tube Screamer)
BehringerTO800 Vintage Tube Overdrive (TS808 Vintage Tube Screamer)
GFS Greenie /Biyang OD-10 (same pedal..."ts-808 specs jrc4558 chips" apparently)
Deltalab T-01

Freekish Blues Alpha Drive V1 (LOL LOL LOL)

Marshall Bluesbreaker
Mooer Blues Crab

Marshall Guv'nor
Danelectro Daddy-O Overdrive

Marshall Shredmaster
JOYO JF-04 High Gain Distortion

Mi Audio Crunch box
JOYO JF-03 Crunch Distortion
Mooer Cruncher

MXR Phase 90
Mooer Ninety Orange
Behinger PH9 Phaser

Paul Cochrane Timmy - Please note you may wish to support an independent builder as a moral decision as this is his livelihood after all, and Danelectro hate gays. Or get the TOD v1 and if you like it save up for the TIMMY? Up to you.
Danelectro CoolCat Transparent Overdrive Version 1

Mooer Black Secret
GFS Brownie or Biyang Mouse (same pedal...LM308 Rat clone. NOTE: Some versions were shipped with incorrect 56k resistor - shoule be 560ohm resister. Can be fixed. see here

Suhr Riot
Joyo US Dream

Tech 21 Sansamp Character Series
JOYO JF-13 AC Tone (Tech 21 character, Liverpool = VOX AC30 amp)
JOYO JF-14 American Sound (Tech 21 Character, Blonde = Fender Amps)
JOYO JF-15 California Sound (Tech 21 Character, California = Mesa Boogie Amps)
JOYO JF-16 British Sound (Tech 21 Character, British = Marshall Amps)

Sourced from ... son-chart/

AB100 Guitar/Amp Selector = Nobels AB1 Active A/B Selector Pedal
ADI21 V-Tone Acoustic Driver = Tech21 Sansamp Acoustic D.I.
AM100 /AM300 Acoustic Modeller = Boss AC-2 Acoustic Simulator
AM400 Ultra Acoustic Modeller = Boss AC-3 Acoustic Simulator
BCH100 / BUC400 Ultra Bass Chorus = Boss CEB-3 Bass Chorus
BDI21 V-Tone Bass Driver = Tech21 Sansamp Bass D.I.
BEQ700 Bass Graphic Equalizer = Boss GEB-7 Bass Equalizer
BLE100/ BLE400 Bass Limiter Enhancer = Boss LMB-3 Bass Limiter Enhancer
BO100 / BO300 Blues Overdrive = Boss BD-2 Blues Driver
BOD100 / BOD400 Bass Overdrive = Boss ODB-3 Bass OverDrive
BSY600 Bass Synthesizer = Boss SYB-5 Bass Synthesizer
BUF300 Ultra Bass Flanger = Boss BF-2B Bass Flanger
CC300 Chorus Space-C = Boss DC-2 Dimension C
CD400 Chorus Space-D = Boss DC-3 Digital Dimension / Digital Space – D
CL9 Compressor/Limiter Ibanez CP 9 Compressor/Limiter
CO600 Chorus Orchestra = Boss CE-5 Chorus Ensemble
CS100 / CS400 Compressor Sustainer = Boss CS-3 Compression Sustainer
DC9 Dynamic Compressor = MXR M-102 MXR dyna comp
DD100 / DD400 Digital Delay = Boss DD-3 Digital Delay
DD600 Digital Delay = Boss DD-5 Digital Delay
DM100 Distortion Modeller = Boss DS-1 Distortion
DR100 / DR600 Digital Reverb = Boss RV-5 Digital Reverb
DR400 Digital Reverb/Delay = Boss RV-3 Digital Reverb/Delay
DW400 Dynamic Wah/Human Voice = Boss AW-3 Dynamic Wah
EM600 Echo Machine = LINE 6 Echo Park
EQ700 Guitar Graphic Equalizer = Boss GE-7 Guitar Equalizer
FD300 Ultra Feedback/Distortion = Boss DF-2 SUPER Feedbacker & Distortion
FL600 Flanger Machine = LINE 6 Liqua-Flange
FM600 Filter Machine = LINE 6 Otto Filter
FX100 / FX600 Digital Multi-FX = ?
GDI21 V-Tone Guitar Driver = Tech21 GT2 Sansamp GT2
HB01 Hellbabe = Jim Dunlop Crybaby From Hell
HD300 Heavy Distortion = Boss MD-2 Mega Distortion
HF300 Hi Band Flanger = Boss HF-2 Hi Band Flanger
HM300 Heavy Metal = Boss HM-2 Heavy Metal
IG9 Intelligate = MXR M-135 Smart Gate
NR100 / NR300 Noise Reducer = Boss NS-2 Noise Suppressor
OD100 / OD300 Overdrive Distortion = Boss OS-2 OverDrive/Distortion
OD400 Overdrive = Boss OD-3 OverDrive
PB100 Preamp Booster = Nobels PRE1 Preamp Booster Pedal
PH9 Phaser = MXR EVH Phase 90
PO300 Power Overdrive = Boss PW-2 Power Driver
RM600 Rotary Machine = LINE 6 Roto Machine
RV600 Reverb Machine = LINE 6 Verbzilla
SE200 Spectrum Enhancer = Boss SP-1 Spectrum
SF300 Super Fuzz = Boss FZ-2 HYPER Fuzz
SF400 Super Flanger = Boss BF-3 Flanger
SM200 Slow Motion = Boss SG-1 Slow Gear
SM400 Super Metal = Boss HM-3 HYPER Metal
SO400 Super Octaver = Boss OC-3 Super Octave
SP400 Super Phase Shifter = Boss PH-3 Phase Shifter
TM300 Tube Amp Modeler = Tech21 GT2 Sansamp GT2
TO100 Tube Overdrive = Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer
TO800 Vintage Tube Overdrive = Ibanez TS808 Vintage Tube Screamer
TP300 Ultra Tremolo/Pan = Boss PN-2 Tremolo/Pan
TU100 / TU300 Chromatic Tuner = Boss TU-2 Chromatic Tuner
UC100 / UC200 Ultra Chorus = Boss CH-1 SUPER Chorus
UD100 / UD300 Ultra Distortion = Boss DS-2 TURBO Distortion
UF100 / UF300 Ultra Flanger = Boss BF-2 Flanger
UM100 / UM300 Ultra Metal = Boss MT-2 Metal Zone
UO100 / UO300 Ultra Octaver = Boss OC-2 Octave
UP100 / UP300 Ultra Phase Shifter = Boss PH-2 SUPER Phaser
US600 Ultra Shifter/Harmonist = Boss PS-5 Super Shifter
UT100 / UT300 Ultra Tremolo = Boss TR-2 Tremolo
UV300 Ultra Vibrato = Boss VB-2 Vibrato
UW300 Ultra Wah = Boss AW-2 Auto Wah
UZ400 Ultra Fuzz = Boss FZ-3 Fuzz
VB1 Vintage Bass = electro-harmonix Bassballs
VD1 Vintage Distortion = electro-harmonix Big Muff
VD400 Vintage Delay = Boss DM-3 Delay
VM1 Vintage Time Machine = electro-harmonix Deluxe Memory Man
VP1 Vintage Phaser = electro-harmonix Small Stone Phase Shifter
VT911 Vintage Tube Overdrive = Chandler/B.K. Butler 910/911 Tube Driver
VT999 Vintage Tube Monster = Ibanez TK999 Tube King
WD300 Warp Distortion = Hughes & Kettner Warp Factor Distortion
XD300 Distortion-X = Boss XT-2 Xtortion

Sourced from

JF-01 Vintage Overdrive = Ibanez TS-808
JF-02 Ultimate Drive = Fulltone OCD
JF-03 Crunch Distortion = Mi Audio Crunch box
JF-04 High Gain Distortion = Marshall Shredmaster
JF-05 Classic Chorus = Boss CE-2?
JF-06 Vintage Phase = MXR phase 90
JF-07 Classic Flanger = ?
JF-08 Digital Delay = ?
JF-09 Tremolo = Diaz Tremodillo
JF-10 Dynamic Compressor = MXR Dyna Comp.
JF-11 6 Band EQ - MXR 6 Band EQ
JF-12 Voodoo Octave (Fuzz Ultimate Octave) = Fulltone Ultimate Octave
JF-13 AC Tone = Tech 21 Character, Liverpool
JF-14 American Sound = Tech 21 Character, Blonde
JF-15 California Sound = Tech 21 Character, California
JF-16 British Sound = Tech 21 Character, British
JF-17 Extreme Metal = EHX Metal Muff
(JDI-01 DI Box)
(JF-30 A/B Switch)
JF-31 Noise Gate = ?
JF-32 Plexi Drive = Wampler Plexi-drive (???)
JF-33 Analog Delay = ?
JF-34 US Dream = Suhr Riot
JF-35 Pocket Metal = ?
JF-36 Sweet Baby = Mad Professor Sweet Honey
JF-37 Analog Chorus = ?
JF-38 Roll Boost = ?
JF-39 Deluxe Crunch = ?

Additions in italics] otherwise Sourced from ... ?t=1164176

Mooer Ensemble King = Boss CE2
Mooer Ana Echo = Boss DM2
Mooer Twin Looper = Boss RC20?
Mooer Eleclady = EHX Electric Mistress
Mooer Triangle Buff = EHX Triangle Muff
Mooer Hustle Drive = Fulltone OCD
Mooer Green Mile = Ibanez TS9
Mooer Cruncher = MI Audio Crunchbox
Mooer Blue Comp = Boss CS2
Mooer Ninety Orange = MXR Phase 90
Mooer Black Secret = RAT
Mooer Solo = Suhr Riot?
Mooer Bass Sweeper = ?
Mooer Blade = ?
Mooer Blue Faze = ?
Mooer Blues Crab = Marshall Bluesbreaker
Mooer Echolizer = ?
Mooer Flex Boost = Xotic AC Boost
Mooer Pitch Box = ?
Mooer Pure Boost = Xotic RC Boost
Mooer Pure Octave = EHX Micro Pog/Pog 2
Mooer Reecho = Boss DD2
Mooer ShimVerb = Strymon Blue Sky
Mooer Trelicopter = Demeter Tremulator
Mooer Super Bender = ?
Mooer Little Monster AC = ?
Mooer Ultra Drive = ?

*Supposed Clones* list sourced from ... p?t=975874

Cool Cat Trem - Demeter Tremulator clone
Transparent OD v1 - Paul C Timmy
Daddy-O Overdrive - Marshall Guv'nor
Cool Cat Drive - Fulltone OCD
Fish n Chips - Boss GE-7 (?)
Dano French Toast Octave Fuzz= Foxx Tone Machine- (possibly same pedal designer for both, according to Bluedano1)
Dano Cool Cat Fuzz V.1 = Frantone Peachfuzz
FAB 1 Distortion - Boss DS-1
FAB 2 Overdrive - Nadine Overdrive
FAB Tone Distortion - Boss MT-2
Last edited by Dave on Thu Jul 04, 2013 4:06 pm, edited 33 times in total.
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.
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Re: The ultimate list of cheap copies of great pedals thread

Post by BearBoy »

Great idea Dave! Couple to be going on with:

Marshall Bluesbreaker
Mooer Blues Crab

MXR Phase 90
Mooer Ninety Orange

EHX Big Muff
Mooer Triangle Buff
Fran wrote:I love how this place is basic as fuck.
ekwatts wrote:I'm just going to smash it in with a hammer and hope it works. Tone is all in the fingers anyway.
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Post by finboy »

Does joyo make a clone of the tech21 Oxford?
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Post by George »

Most Joyos can also be Harley Benton

Joyo/Harley Benton AC Tone = Sansamp Liverpool

Danelectro CC Drive v1 = OCD
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Post by BearBoy »

finboy wrote:Does joyo make a clone of the tech21 Oxford?
The Oxford is an Orange sim isn't it? Don't think Joyo/Harley Benton make ones of those currently. They just make the Fender, Vox, Marshall and Mesa-Boogie ones.
Fran wrote:I love how this place is basic as fuck.
ekwatts wrote:I'm just going to smash it in with a hammer and hope it works. Tone is all in the fingers anyway.
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Post by Noisy Cat »

I enjoyed this thread and would definitely visit again.
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Post by George »

trouble is with some of these, behringers mostly as far as i'm aware, the buffers can be a bit sucky. i can't really vouch for all the pedals but the buffer on the vintage delay pedal woolied my tone a bit and rolled off some volume/high end

so just something to bear in mind
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Post by Dave »

Thanks noisy cat!

Okay I've added a load more pedals and a note on morals... keep 'em coming (i need your help!)

Edit: George - great info, that's definitely the kind of thing we need to know about.
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.
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Post by Aiden »

ah this is very useful, cheers. Also, I had no idea about Danelectro/homophobia. Twats.
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Post by endsjustifymeans »

excellent thread, well over due.

Great job on this!
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Post by mkt3000 »

GFS Brownie = LM308 Rat
GFS Greenie = Tubescreamer (I believe TS808)
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Post by Dave »

mkt3000 wrote:GFS Brownie = LM308 Rat
GFS Greenie = Tubescreamer (I believe TS808)
OOh good call! Apparently these are rebranded Biyangs are notable for including the actual MOJO chips of the best versions!
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.
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Post by finboy »

I've got the danophobe OCD, Timmy, and peach fuzz clone, all are quite good and can be had for a good price if you ignore all of the "rare! V1, etc." ads that are asking $50 for the damn things
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Post by Dave »

mkt3000 wrote:GFS Brownie = LM308 Rat
GFS Greenie = Tubescreamer (I believe TS808)
!!! ... ent-2.html
Oh - I think there is also a video by "Short Scale Mike" IIRC where he has a scratchbuilt Rat with the Ruetz control in it. I think he kind of explained it fairly well, but it's been some time since I saw it.
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.
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Post by Dave »

Biyang Mouse is teh sexy


EDIT: fuckers used a filter - actually silber in relaity! Bastids!

Like their TS though - added warm and bright modes..:

iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.
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Post by Mages »

an ibanez ts7 or ts-5 costs like $20.
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Post by avj »

Fucking hell, this is incredible. Nice work, Dave.

My only contribution is the Mooer Pure Octave = EHX Micro POG / EHX POG2

It has some of the octave combinations of the POG2, but the simple controls of the Micro POG.
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Post by Sloan »

deltalab TO1 is a great tubescreamer
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Post by tukk04 »

I'm gonna add the Dano Cool Cat Trem is a Demeter Tremulator clone.

I'm also going to say though I don't like that dano's CEO spent money on something that is being used in an attempt to force his and the opinion of people with similar views on others, I will still buy danelectro if they are selling a product I want. He is not the only employee of danelectro and his views don't, in actuality, represent the views of every person that works for the company. Boycotting the company is not going to hurt Mr.Ridinger, just like boycotts don't hurt most upper tier employees, but it will result in pay cuts and less hirings at the factory laborer level, not because they are an evil company, but because that's what a business has to do to keep going when profits are down.

If it makes you feel any better about purchasing from them, Danelectro (the entire company, not just the CEO) continuously donates to multiple charities, one of the main ones being SKJ Orphanage in Nairobi, Kenya. Their contributions have directly led to the orphanage being able to purchase 2 acres of additional land and drill a large water well that is capable of supplying the orphanage and surrounding areas with thousands of liters of water per hour.

Also take note of the fact that Mr.Ridinger's donations made for prop-8 were from his personal savings and was not at the expense of danelectro or evets corp.

Other notable donations toward anti-gay marriage prop 8-relevant organizations include $6,000 from Cisco Systems Executive Charles Stucki, $10,001 from Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Novatel Wireless Peter Leparulo, $40,000 from Intel's (yes, that Intel) Finance Specialist Richard Patterson, and $9,999 from President and CEO of Cinemark Alan Stock.
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Post by Fran »

Great point of reference!
Worth a sticky David imo before it gets buried.