The ultimate list of cheap copies of great pedals thread!

Pickups, pedals, amps, cabs, combos

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Post by wwrrss »

edit: Never mind
Last edited by wwrrss on Wed May 29, 2013 8:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dave »

tukk04 wrote:I'm gonna add the Dano Cool Cat Trem is a Demeter Tremulator clone.

I'm also going to say though
Hi Tukk, good suggestion, and thank you for taking the time to give some detail to the situation surrounding Danelectro and the contributions of their CEO. This is really good detail and will help people make up their own minds about the situation and how they want to spend their money. I’ll amend my notes above to refer to this information etc and add the pedal to the list.

Welcome to the forum.

Fran - good plan - I'll sticky it!
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
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Post by jagsonic »

Cool idea! Cool list. But does this clones sound like the originals?

Sounds a cheap JF-02 Ultimate Drive as good as a OCD?!?
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Post by tukk04 »

Dave wrote:
tukk04 wrote:I'm gonna add the Dano Cool Cat Trem is a Demeter Tremulator clone.

I'm also going to say though
Hi Tukk, good suggestion, and thank you for taking the time to give some detail to the situation surrounding Danelectro and the contributions of their CEO. This is really good detail and will help people make up their own minds about the situation and how they want to spend their money. I’ll amend my notes above to refer to this information etc and add the pedal to the list.

Welcome to the forum.

Fran - good plan - I'll sticky it!
Thanks for listening and taking that the way I intended. I in no way mean to defend the actions of dano's CEO, just to share the info I have found surrounding the episode so others can make an informed decision either way.
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Post by luciguci »

Wait, the Cool Cat Trem is a Tremulator clone? Huh. Never knew that. It's a great sounding tremolo, though.
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Post by tukk04 »

daftsupernova wrote:Wait, the Cool Cat Trem is a Tremulator clone? Huh. Never knew that. It's a great sounding tremolo, though.
It has been said quite a few times on the internet that it is, and from my observation it sounds really close, but has never been %100 confirmed through a circuit trace. I might have to take mine apart and compare the schems for absolute verification. It is a really good trem though.
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Re: The ultimate list of cheap copies of great pedals thread

Post by James »

*Supposed Clones* list sourced from ... p?t=975874
Has the TUKK04 post been deleted? It wouldn't be surprising at all for TGP if it had.
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Post by Dave »

James, below in this thread ;)
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
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Post by Ro S »

Nice topic thread!

How about adding sections for:

DAPHON, 'E20' series (also badged under lots of other names, incl. Chord, Swamp, Roberts...)
including, notably:
Daphon E20OD Overdrive (TS clone?, same chip)
Daphon E20CM Compressor
Daphon E20GE Graphic Equalizer
Daphon E20DS Distortion
Daphon E20FL Flanger
Daphon E20MT Heavy Metal
Daphon E20PH Phaser
Daphon E20TR Tremolo
Daphon E20CH Super Chorus

I think some of the above are the same circuits as the Ibanez 'soundtank' series?


HARLEY BENSON - the Boss type enclosure series, not the Joyo series (also badged as GLX, Beta Aivin...)
Harley Benton AC-100 Acoustic Simulator
Harley Benton EQ-100 Equalizer [Boss GE7 clone?]
Harley Benton CE-100 Chorus Ensemble
Harley Benton CH-100 Super Chorus
Harley Benton CS-100 Compression Sustainer
Harley Benton DD-2 Digital Delay
Harley Benton FL-100 Flanger
Harley Benton OC-100 Super Octave
Harley Benton OD-100 Overdrive
Harley Benton SD-100 Soft Distortion

I think the Harley Benson ones above seem to be mostly copies/clones of Boss pedals?

I think there's ones equivalent also of the Boss RV5 and the Boss DD3 and DD6?


BIYANG 'tonfancoier' series

Biyang AC-8 Woody Acoustic Guitar Simulator
Biyang AD-7 Analogy Delay
Biyang AD-8 Double Chip Analog Delay
Biyang BL-8 Blue
Biyang CH-7 Chorus
Biyang CH-8 Chorus
Biyang CO-8 Compress
Biyang DS-7 Distortion
Biyang DS-8 Mouse
Biyang DS-9 Distortion
Biyang EQ-7 EQ
Biyang FL-8 Flanger
Biyang FZ-7 Fuzz
Biyang Junky Drive
Biyang Metal-End
Biyang OC-8 Octave
Biyang OD-7 Overdrive
Biyang OD-8 X-Drive
Biyang OTD-100 Distortion
Biyang Pedal Power
Biyang PH-8 Phase
Biyang RV-8 Reverb
Biyang TR-8 Tremolo

I think many of the above seem to clones/copies.
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Post by Fran »

I've been playing around with my Danelectro French Toast tonight, that pedal is mental, i love it.
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Post by Ro S »

Fran wrote:I've been playing around with my Danelectro French Toast tonight, that pedal is mental, i love it.
I was just advocating it to someone, but they dont like the casing and they wont buy on ebay.
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Post by Fran »

Ro S wrote:
Fran wrote:I've been playing around with my Danelectro French Toast tonight, that pedal is mental, i love it.
I was just advocating it to someone, but they dont like the casing and they wont buy on ebay.
I think a few people were asking about rehousing Dano's a while ago. The case doesn't bother me to be honest.
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Post by Ro S »

Fran wrote:I think a few people were asking about rehousing Dano's a while ago. The case doesn't bother me to be honest.
I like to 'rehouse' mine by sticking it on top of a EHX large-cased NYC Big Muff. :p
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Post by Progrockabuse »

I've recently been given one of those dano fab overdrives for free. Came with a mag subscription my mate got.
Quite surprised as it really sounds rather good boosting my amp.

Great piece on the dano company,tukk04.
Fender Classic Player 60’s Stratocaster>East Coast T1 Tele>
Epiphone Les Paul SL>Ovation 12 String acoustic>Peavey Strat DIY Relic

Marshall Origin 20H>James’s old purple 2x10
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Post by Dave »

I've got some updates to do...also found lots of great comparison vids.
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.
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Post by tukk04 »

Progrockabuse wrote:I've recently been given one of those dano fab overdrives for free. Came with a mag subscription my mate got.
Quite surprised as it really sounds rather good boosting my amp.

Great piece on the dano company,tukk04.

I wish I was better at rehousing, I love the sound of the fab echo and chorus but fear something on them failing. The chorus quit working/made crazy noises for a couple months then decided to work again one day, so apparently it's a zombie. It makes a cool overdrive when the battery starts dying too.

BTW to any FAB echo owners, if it starts making a high pitched whine/squeal, the battery's almost dead. Change it or use a power supply and it'll stop.
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Post by Progrockabuse »

One thing I have noticed is that if its the only thing in the chain and the pedal is engaged I get radio through my amp!

When I stick another pedal in line with it, it's all gone.
Fender Classic Player 60’s Stratocaster>East Coast T1 Tele>
Epiphone Les Paul SL>Ovation 12 String acoustic>Peavey Strat DIY Relic

Marshall Origin 20H>James’s old purple 2x10
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Post by Fakir Mustache »

That seems common on those Danelectro plastic pedals. It's thick plastic, but they don't shield them. The Behringer pedals are plastic but shielded, so that doesn't happen.
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I view all Behringer gear with SUSPICION. Some techs up here

Post by Lee Van Leer »

I view all Behriger gear with SUSPICION. Some techs up here (Toronto, ON, Canada) wont even work on Behringer gear!
Van Leer: kickin' it up a notch!
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Re: I view all Behringer gear with SUSPICION. Some techs up

Post by Dave »

Lee Van Leer wrote:I view all Behriger gear with SUSPICION. Some techs up here (Toronto, ON, Canada) wont even work on Behringer gear!
iCEByTes wrote:5 Most Jizz face maker Solo�s , classic Rock music i ever listened.
iCEByTes wrote:Blunt a joint , Take the Touch , Listen this.