Have been hankering for a Guild Surfliner Deluxe in metallic green since they came out.
Found a loaded body on eBay for a good price.
25.5" body 25.5" neck. Fits the pocket like a glove. Looks fricken sweet, better than the original Guild neck if I say so myself. Need to drill new holes since the Guild has them drilled further back. But that's OK.
But then this....

Right now I'm weighing my options....sell both? Wait to find a surfliner neck? Fill the posts and move them back, maybe try to buy a large Harmonica type bridge to partially cover the doweled holes?
ugh - why would they do this? I was forgetting that Fender no longer owns Guild, so it KIND of makes sense that it's not compatible but why is this not standardized on a 25.5" bolt on guitar by now?