One of my few gear regrets is selling a fuckin sick Schecter with a sustainer system and a floyd rose. Well, as luck would have it, my wife got me a Highway One HH strat with a floyd rose, and some shady indonesian knock off artists are selling sustainer systems for $60 on reverb, so I'm going for it.
Here's pretty much where I'm at.
I've got the battery box (and fancy new knobs!) on the way. Hoping my step dad has a router and will teach me how to use it.
A wee while ago, I got the stuff I needed to make my own sustainer. It was pickup wire of a thicker gauge (dunno about electronics, this was preferred because of something to do with inductance vs resistance maybe...., can't remember, didn't really understand at the time), a couple of old single coils to act as donors for the bobbins, and the components to make a small battery powered amp to drive it. I think I also got a Chinese amp that might also work.
Something happened and I didn't get round to actually making it. Maybe I'll resurrect this....
Bacchus wrote: Tue Jan 09, 2024 10:18 pm
Oooh, I'm interested in this.
A wee while ago, I got the stuff I needed to make my own sustainer. It was pickup wire of a thicker gauge (dunno about electronics, this was preferred because of something to do with inductance vs resistance maybe...., can't remember, didn't really understand at the time), a couple of old single coils to act as donors for the bobbins, and the components to make a small battery powered amp to drive it. I think I also got a Chinese amp that might also work.
Something happened and I didn't get round to actually making it. Maybe I'll resurrect this....
A sustainer in your fretless guitar would sound interesting.
KABLAM! Did my first routing job, and eventually got everything working, at least on a pass/fail basis. I'm hoping the re-setup will get this guitar back in tune and on time, in addition to sustaining extra long.
Bummer: no neck pickup sound. The directions told me not to hook it up to the output. When I did it anyway I found out why. Big noise, and output like ten times the bridge pickup. Wasted a lot of effort and a little money on the switch.
The instructions seem to indicate that you want the strings very close, and that's supported by my tweaking so far. The driver is at full blast, as set by the BACKWARDS ASS trimpot on the circuit board. I guess getting the $300 system for $60 isn't the best idea in the world.