M-Vave bluetooth MIDI

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M-Vave bluetooth MIDI

Post by NickS »

Well, the offer on AliExpress looked too good to be true, and it was.
M-Vave bluetooth MIDI.png
M-Vave bluetooth MIDI.png (43.57 KiB) Viewed 148 times
The 4-button controller didn't come with it. Still, £5.50 seems pretty cheap for a Bluetooth MIDI interface and dongle that I can use with the MIDI Commander app on my Android tablet (with an OTG cable) for scene selection on my Line 6 M9.
M-Vave_MIDI-A.JPG (240.78 KiB) Viewed 148 times
M-Vave_bluetooth_OTG.JPG (168.65 KiB) Viewed 148 times
M-Vave_M9_setup.JPG (148.52 KiB) Viewed 148 times
MIDI Commander button mode:
MIDI_Commander.JPG (154.47 KiB) Viewed 148 times
MIDI Commander is fairly basic, I guess, but allows me to check out using the tablet to control the M9 wirelessly. The major limitation for me at the moment is that it only supports 20 buttons; the M9 supports 24 scenes.

Yet to discover:
- Battery life for the MIDI interface.
- There's no indication to tell me when the battery is charging or charged.
- I don't know how smart they are in terms of Bluetooth pairing in a complex environment. The MIDI end will also pair directly with my phone but only in receive mode, hence the OTG cable and dongle. That also allows me to use the MIDI monitor

Yes, I could use the Behringer FCB1010 and I might still do but it's a lot of floor space and cabling to bother with if I'm just noodling around..
Last edited by NickS on Wed Dec 11, 2024 11:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: M-Vave bluetooth MIDI for £5.50

Post by Bacchus »


MIDI will never not be beyond me.

I remember one summer, 2001ish, when I was 14, my best friends and I went to the house of one of our mother's in remotest West Cork. She was very relaxed about cannabis consumption, and we were all in a band. We spent about 2 weeks trying to record a demo on an old 4 track that her husband had in a box somewhere. We'd travelled down just to make use of this, because we knew that recording music was a remote possibility otherwise, and if we could get a demo together, we would probably make it.

There wasn't a proper manual, but there was a booklet that half explained stuff some related stuff about magnetism, tracks on tape and directions and bouncing.

Towards the end of the two weeks, me managed to get just the guitar chords for the intro of one song recorded. Tinny as anything, it sounded dreadful, but we were captivated.

I know a lot more now and have a lot more experience, but any time I try to do anything with MIDI that isn't just plug and play, HUI type stuff, I'm immediately back in West Cork, utterly helpless and confused by the basics. I've watched videos, read books. I don't get it. There's always an assumed knowledge or a leap that I don't make.
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Re: M-Vave bluetooth MIDI for £5.50

Post by NickS »

I've just discovered that 20 buttons is the default layout for MIDI Commander and I can have many more :)
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Re: M-Vave bluetooth MIDI for £5.50

Post by Hurb »

I use the same thing to control presets on my Zoom multistomp with my HX stomp XL.
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Re: M-Vave bluetooth MIDI - MS1 and Chocolate

Post by NickS »

I bought another MS-1 set on a slightly less good special offer.

I bought their "Chocolate" MIDI/Bluetooth foot pedal too. Fun to fiddle with, not quite as configurable as I would like. It has a bunch of different modes, configurable by USB from Mac/Windows or by Bluetooth from Android/iOS. The advantage of USB is that you still can use the Bluetooth on the Chocolate to check out your configuration changes straight away. One possibly useful thing is the ability in Advanced Custom mode to send raw MIDI, so you can send Sysex.
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Re: M-Vave bluetooth MIDI

Post by rahbro »

I have my MS1 chained into my Ambient ⁰ now and it rules. Will have to do an demo
plopswagon wrote: Wed May 18, 2022 11:55 am
I laid a pallet of sod yesterday