Laney L5 Studio

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Laney L5 Studio

Post by Rhysyrhys »

Someone finally wanted my D'Angelico Premier Singlecut (it's been nearly 18 months of trying) and they had one of these lil bad boys, so we did a straight up trade.

It's SO frickin' cool. I haven't found much use for the clean channel but the drive channel is EXCELLENT, apparently it is modeled on an old Marshall JTM and you can tell - I use it for clean and for break up, it does it all :D

I have IK AXE I/O as my interface which has a dedicated "re-amp" out which goes to the front of the amp, then at the back of this it has a balanced XLR out which comes with two really nice IRs but also you can load your own IRs in, then goes back into the AXE I/O to record on Channel 2. Check the second photo I attached :)

I was going to do this with a cheaper sort of setup like a Quilter or a Laney Loudpedal or something; what is incredible about it is that when I record now, I monitor the return from the Laney L5 on Channel 2, but record in Ableton to Channel 1 so I get a totally clean audio clip recorded to the DAW and then I can mess around with the amp settings before I cut that audio to disk.

I would not pay 900 for this because you can just do everything in Amplitube now, but for a guitar I wanted rid of this thing is such a good find and I've done no work today because I've continuously been fucking around with it and pedals and IRs and shit :D :D :D
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